Orlando Amusement Park Accident Lawyer

Did you suffer injuries at an amusement park in Orlando, Florida? If so, call an Orlando amusement park accident attorney at Payer Law Personal Injury Lawyers for legal help. The park may be financially responsible for your medical bills, loss of income, and anguish. Call us today at (407) 648-1510.

The law firm has been a top advocate for injured amusement park guests and families whose lives have been devastated by tragic theme park accidents since our founding. As award-winning Florida litigators with decades of combined experience, we’ve helped our clients secure over $100 million in privately negotiated settlements and jury awards.

Our team has over 50 years of combined experience representing clients in cases involving Orlando product liability cases, child injuries, workplace accidents in Orlando, wrongful death claims, brain injury cases, and more.

Don’t let the theme park off the hook for your accident and injuries. Make the most of your fight for compensation by trusting our top-rated team with your amusement park accident case. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.

How Payer Law Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After an Amusement Park Accident in Orlando, FL

How Payer Law Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After an Amusement Park Accident in Orlando, FL

Orlando is home to some of the country’s most popular amusement parks, including Disney World, Universal Studios, Legoland, Seaworld, and Fun Spot America. While trips to these theme parks can be fun, they can also be quite dangerous. Unfortunately, when accidents happen, amusement parks don’t always rush to accept responsibility and make things right.

That’s where our Orlando personal injury lawyers can help.

Amusement parks in Orlando, Florida, have a legal obligation to provide a safe environment for you and your family. When the park is negligent in some manner, it can be financially responsible for resulting injuries and suffering.

Payer Law Personal Injury Lawyers has many years of experience taking on powerful corporations and insurance companies and winning life-changing results for clients like you.

When you turn to us for help after an accident at an Orlando theme park, you’ll be able to count on us to:

  • Review the results of any internal investigations conducted by the theme park 
  • Promptly launch an independent investigation into your amusement park accident
  • Determine exactly why and how your accident happened
  • Gather ride maintenance records, company hiring and training policies, photographs of the scene of the accident, video footage, witness statements, forensic reports, and other critical evidence 
  • Bring in respected expert witnesses to provide guidance as we calculate what your amusement park accident case might be worth
  • Handle all of the paperwork and administrative aspects of your case
  • Aggressively seek out a top-dollar settlement during negotiations with the theme park, its insurance company, and its defense attorneys
  • Represent your best interests at trial in Orange County, FL, if you don’t receive a meaningful settlement offer

Whether you were injured in a rollercoaster accident at Magic Kingdom or slipped and fell at Universal’s Volcano Bay Water theme park, our law firm is here to help you get back on your feet and obtain the monetary award you deserve.

We’ll represent you on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay nothing unless our amusement park accident attorneys in Orlando win compensation for your case.

Contact our legal team in Orlando to learn more. Your first consultation is free. 

Are Theme Park Accidents Common?

Every year, thousands of accidents are reported at theme parks across the United States. According to the National Safety Council, there were 1,299 amusement park accidents nationwide in 2019.

That’s roughly 3.7 accidents for every one million amusement park guests.

Accidents at amusement parks have actually declined in recent years. Between 2003 and 2019, theme park accidents dropped by roughly 36.4 percent. 

While theme park accidents may happen less frequently, park-goers who are ultimately injured can still suffer debilitating injuries and/or lose their lives. In these situations, it’s critical to demand accountability from amusement park ownership.

What Causes Most Accidents at Orlando Amusement Parks?

Amusement park accidents in Orlando can happen for many different reasons.

Some of the leading causes of accidents at local theme parks include:

  • Negligent ride maintenance
  • Failing to inspect rides regularly
  • Operator error
  • Mechanical failure
  • Inadequate safety measures
  • Debris and garbage that create slip-and-fall hazards
  • Cracked pavement and sidewalks
  • Slick and slippery surfaces
  • Negligent security
  • Failing to secure doors and gates to restricted areas
  • Poor lighting
  • Falling objects
  • Ride defects

It’s important to identify the specific reason(s) why an accident happened at an Orlando theme park. Once the cause is known, it becomes easier to identify liability and build a compelling legal claim to secure a life-changing monetary award.

What Do I Have To Prove To Win an Amusement Park Accident Lawsuit in Orlando?

Amusement park accidents are typically rooted in premises liability law. In Florida, property owners and businesses – including amusement parks – have a responsibility to provide invited guests and visitors with a safe environment. This simply requires the park operators to exercise reasonable care over the premises – inspecting for potential dangers, fixing identified hazards, and providing warnings about known risks. 

If an amusement park is negligent in the maintenance and care of its property, it can be liable for resulting damages.

When you file an amusement park accident lawsuit, you will have the burden of proving the park’s negligence. That means providing evidence in support of:

  • Duty: You must establish that the amusement park owed you a duty of care because you were lawfully on the premises with the park’s consent (e.g., you bought a ticket and entered the theme park properly)
  • Breach: You must identify a way in which the park failed to act reasonably and, in turn, breached the duty of care owed to you (e.g., failing to inspect a rollercoaster, not promptly cleaning up spills)
  • Causation: The amusement park’s actions (or inaction) must be the actual and proximate cause of your accident and resulting injury
  • Damages: You must be able to point to specific damages you’ve suffered because of the accident, such as medical bills or lost income

Simply put, you have to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that your accident wouldn’t have happened if the amusement park had exercised reasonable care over its rides and/or other property.

What Types of Damages Are Available to Amusement Park Accident Victims in Orlando?

Amusement park accidents can be catastrophic, leaving you to struggle financially, physically, and emotionally. The good news is that you can file a legal claim against the amusement park to recover compensatory damages.

Compensatory damages include money for financial losses associated with your accident (economic damages) and harder-to-value trauma (non-economic damages), including:

  • Current medical bills
  • Reasonably necessary future medical expenses
  • Rehabilitation and therapy
  • Disability
  • Lost wages and income
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Lost job opportunities
  • Nursing assistance
  • Funeral expenses
  • Out-of-pocket costs
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Chronic physical pain
  • Embarrassment
  • Loss of consortium
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Expect the amusement park to fight back and try to downplay the seriousness of your injuries. It will use any tactic it can to limit your damages and reduce the monetary award you receive. Our amusement park accident lawyers in Orlando won’t let the park call the shots.

We will carefully analyze the circumstances of your accident, bring in experts to provide guidance along the way, and work to build a legal claim that proves your case and gets you the maximum financial payout you need and deserve. 

Common Amusement Park Accident Injuries in Orlando, FL

The type of amusement park accident in which you’re involved can influence the types of injuries you suffer.

However, some of the most commonly reported amusement park accident injuries in Orlando include:

  • Broken bones
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Eye injury
  • Hearing loss
  • Concussion
  • Brain injury
  • Whiplash
  • Neck injury
  • Back injury
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Paralysis
  • Nerve damage
  • Joint injury
  • Soft tissue injury
  • Amputation
  • Degloving injury
  • Burns
  • Crush injury
  • Catastrophic injury
  • Wrongful death

Report your accident immediately and then seek emergency medical treatment at a local hospital in Orlando. Once your condition is stable, contact our Orlando theme park accident lawyers to discuss your legal rights and options.

How Long Will I Have To File a Florida Amusement Park Accident Lawsuit?

Florida has a two-year statute of limitations that applies to most amusement park accident lawsuits.

This will give you until the second anniversary of your accident or loved one’s wrongful death to formally take legal action.

Don’t wait too long to assert your rights. Once the statute of limitations expires, you’ll lose the ability to demand financial accountability from the negligent theme park.

Schedule a Free Consultation With an Experienced Orlando Amusement Park Accident Lawyer

Don’t struggle with the consequences of an accident at Disney World or another theme park in Orlando, Florida, on your own. Call Payer Law Personal Injury Lawyers and ask for help navigating this difficult time in your life.

Our Orlando amusement park accident lawyers have decades of experience in total and a proven ability to take on tough corporations and win big results. We’ve helped our clients secure over $100 million in damages, and now we’re ready to fight for you.

Contact our law office in Orlando at (407) 648-1510 to arrange a free consultation to get started. Members of our team are always here to help – 24 hours a day.

Visit Our Personal Injury Law Office In Orlando, FL

Payer Law Personal Injury Lawyers
6735 Conroy Rd STE 332, Orlando, FL 32835
(407) 648-1510

Open 24 hours

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